Civita Group
The name of our Group – Civita – originates from the Latin word ‘Civitas’, which refers to the city as a place of belonging and civil coexistence. This valuable idea has always inspired Civita, which was founded in 1987 with the aim to tackle with the decline and deterioration of Civita di Bagnoregio, a medieval village in northern Lazio.
Today, Civita is made up of two organisations, with different areas of specialisations and operations: the Civita Group, headed by Civita Cultura Holding, and Civita Association (the activity of Association are available on the website www.civita.it).
Two souls with a common project. A dual entity pursuing the same vision while promoting two different missions with a common objective: bringing art closer to an ever wider public.

Following the positive results achieved over the last decade and through our international outreach, the Civita Group is now playing a leading role in the cultural heritage sector, all the more so given the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Civita Group is a founding member of AICC – Associazione Imprese Culturali e Creative del Sistema Confindustria. We have operational offices in Rome, Milan and Palermo, and a deep-rooted presence in the rest of Italy and in particular in Turin, Florence, Naples, and Syracuse. We have established a strong presence also in Europe – particularly in France – and in the Middle East – particularly in Saudi Arabia.

Civita Cultura Holding was established to take advantage of new opportunities for companies to take action in the cultural heritage sector, with the aim to create a network that provides an integrated range of services. Civita Group’s Holding Company is the meeting point where professional operators, foundations and several other stakeholders can find a collective dimension where art becomes enterprise.
Registered Office: Piazza Venezia 11, Rome – 00187
Board of Directors
Luigi Abete – President, CEO
Giancarlo Abete
Marta Abete
Sergio Castellani
Giuseppe Checco
Gianluca Comin
Giuseppe Costa
Paolo D’Amico
Alvise Di Canossa
Giovanni Dell’Olivo
Simonetta Giordani
Francesco Luccisano
Giovanni Puglisi
Egidio Rangone
Civita Mostre e Musei has been working for over thirty years as the main operating company of the Civita Group.
It is a cultural and creative enterprise working to enhance historical-artistic heritage in Italy and abroad, based on cultural planning, in collaboration with both the public and private sectors.
Initially, Civita Mostre e Musei was mainly involved in exhibition production and museum management. Over the years, we have also started working in the field of cultural planning and innovation.
Registered Office: Piazza Venezia 11, Rome – 00187
Board of Directors
Giorgio Sotira – President, CEO
Caterina Abete
Sergio Castellani
Renzo Iorio
Gaia Morelli
Pier Luigi Petrillo
Antonio Rosito
Renata Sansone
Giuliano Segre
Civita Sicilia is the joint organisation of Civita Group and Fondazione Sicilia, working in the cultural field for over fifteen years.
With deep local roots in Sicily, this cultural and creative enterprise collaborates with the public and private sectors, in the same fields as Civita Mostre e Musei, in order to promote and enhance this region.
Registered Office: Via della Libertà 52, Palermo – 90143
Consiglio di Amministrazione
Giovanni Puglisi – President
Renata Sansone – CEO
Paolo Cipollini
Riccardo Di Stefano
Vincenzo Morgante
Nicolò Piazza
Giorgio Sotira